Marriage works when both husband and wife work together as a team to build their marriage. - EDUSPORTSTZ


Marriage works when both husband and wife work together as a team to build their marriage.

Teammates do not compete
against each other; they complement each other. Teammates
do not pull each other down; they encourage and support each
Teammates do not fight in the opposite direction; they
face the same direction and fight the same opponent
together. Marriage teamwork is not about me; it is about us,
we and ours.
There is no greater example of teamwork than husband and wife. Hand in hand together, let every couple work together for the success of their marriage.
Marriage is not a solo performance. Marriage works when the husband
and wife duet partners with God to make a perfect trio.
Anything less is not God
ideal plan and purpose for marriage.
Good Morning & Happy day Fams... Love you all😍😍
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